Friday, February 21, 2025

An Open Letter to Senator Corey Booker (D, NJ), Senator Andy Kim (D, NJ), and Representative Chris Smith (R, NJ 04)


Dear Senator Booker, Senator Kim, and Representative Smith,


         I write to you as your constituent to express my outrage at the foreign policy being pursued by the Trump administration. To call recent statements by the President “beneath the dignity of his office” would be a ludicrous understatement. The pronouncements of the President regarding American foreign policy and the actions of his officials on the global stage have been obscene. It is frankly difficult to find language strong enough in which the malfeasance of this administration can be condemned. Many dimensions of this catastrophe could be enumerated, but for brevity’s sake I will focus on two: the President’s plans regarding Gaza and his pronouncements pertaining to the conflict in the Ukraine.

         President Trump’s professed desire to remove the Palestinian residents of Gaza amounts to nothing less than a blueprint for a war crime. Punishing 1.8 million Gazans, half of whom are below the age of 18, for the depraved actions undertaken by a group of about 40,000 Hamas fighters, is an exercise in collective guilt to rival that of any authoritarian regime in history. It is the logical and moral equivalent of forcibly moving all of the residents of Los Angeles to Montana to punish the handful of criminals that engaged in arson.

        This ethical derangement would be bad enough on its own, but it lands in the middle of a torturously complex political conflict that requires sober and strategic leadership to resolve. Peace between Israelis and Palestinians will be almost impossible to achieve even if US leaders act with penetrating insight, deep knowledge, and complete fairness. With the US President spouting absurdly bigoted fantasies, the distant prospects of peace will recede even further, exacerbating the destructive violence of the conflict and extending and deepening the terrible suffering already being experienced by Palestinians and Israelis. The words and actions of the President on this issue are beyond foolish, they are gratuitously cruel.

                If the President’s involvement in Gaza must be described as gratuitously cruel, his engagement with the Ukraine conflict can only be characterized as lunatic malice. In 2022 Vladimir Putin, without any provocation or just cause, invaded the peaceful, sovereign, and democratic nation of the Ukraine. Since then his soldiers have murdered, raped, kidnapped children, and wantonly destroyed the homes and infrastructure belonging to the Ukrainian people. In response, President Trump blames the Ukrainian people for the crimes that have been committed against them. The President’s lies are simply too disgusting to be borne. They are a disgrace not merely to his office, but to the American people as a whole. We owe the world an apology for foisting upon the community of nations this ugly, vicious troll.

            You gentleman are the voice of your constituents here in New Jersey. You must condemn these actions and words of the President in the strongest possible terms, and continue to condemn his malpractice unless and until he recants his obscene offenses and makes amends for his breaches of common decency. Representative Smith, as a member of the President’s own party you especially have a responsibility to hold him accountable to basic standards of right. All of your good work advocating for civil rights in China will be rendered meaningless if you do not speak up now to preserve the credibility of the United States and the integrity of the values its leaders have championed for more than a century on the global stage.

                Though Representative Smith falls under a special onus of remonstrance, you three gentleman all must cooperate in bringing this message to the President and to the American people as a whole. You must band together with your colleagues in the House and Senate of both parties to decry the President’s atrocious words and behavior. If nothing can be done to restrain the President’s misconduct, the pain he causes will deepen and spread, and even the “two beautiful oceans” he is so fond of invoking will not protect citizens here in the US from the disastrous effects of his transgressions.




                          Andrew Meyer

Sunday, December 29, 2024

O Tempora, O Mores


I have been reading SPQR by Mary Beard in recent days, and in its light I can see that we live in very Ciceronian times. On January 20th of next year we will cross a major threshold as a nation, much as the Romans did when Caesar crossed the Rubicon. What will our transition look like?


We can only see that future right now as if through a glass, darkly. I do not pretend to be able to predict the specific contours of that new land. I would only venture one prophecy: the second presidency of Donald J. Trump cannot, on balance, bring us any good.


How can I be so confident? For the same reason that I was genuinely surprised by the results of November’s election. There is much about Trump over which reasonable people can disagree. Should there be tariffs or not? Is he a loathsome boor or a charming eccentric? These are questions that are open to debate.


But should Trump be president? Emphatically not. There are so many reasons this is true, but one moment that millions of us saw suffices to demonstrate the point. During his one debate with Kamala Harris, when he began ranting about how Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are “eating the dogs…eating the cats,” he showed us that he cannot serve in the office to which we have elected him. Setting aside how gratuitously hateful and destructive those words were, no one who is so careless with the truth can possibly perform the duties of President of the United States in any way that will not be disastrous. That is not a matter for debate or of opinion, it is simple empirical fact.


I do not pretend to know what disaster Trump will bring us. He is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates- you never know what you’re gonna get. Will he cause rampant inflation and economic distress? A global recession or depression? A world war? A fascist dictatorship? Simple garden variety chaos and political distress? Any are possible. All of us will be faced with tough choices as citizens. Resist or flee? Speak out or lie low? Only one thing is clear: we should all hope for the best (which will still be pretty bad), but prepare for the worst.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

What Sort of Bigot is JK Rowling? Thoughts on the 2024 US Election


A story has begun about the 2024 election, and it is likely to be perpetuated for many decades. It is the kind of plausible fallacy that gets deep traction in the discussion of electoral competition. For this reason, it will become the equivalent of a political “urban myth”: the notion that the Democrats lost the 2024 election because of their delusional militancy on the issue of transgender rights.

                The reason this myth will take hold is easy to understand. The Trump campaign made one of the biggest media purchases in campaign history, to air a television ad highlighting comments that Kamala Harris had made during the 2019 Democratic primary. Asked (initially on an ACLU questionnaire, later in a taped interview) if she would approve publicly funded gender transition surgery for prisoners, Harris had said that she would. The ad shows a series of photoshopped images of Harris standing with transgender (or gender-ambiguous looking) people, includes soundbites of her comments, and concludes with the trolling tagline: “Kamala is for they/them.”

                The ad is grotesquely bigoted, but its callousness is only fully recognizable to someone who has some knowledge of and/or personal experience with the issue of transgender rights. Its message very effectively exploits viewers’ low-context, knee-jerk reactions to stimuli that have been extracted from an issue that remains poorly understood by most voters. Though the deliberate bigotry of the ad is entirely to the disgrace of the Republican operatives who deployed it, Democrats failed to give the ad a robust and timely response. This is why the myth will persist that “Democrats lost in 2024 because of their delusional support for transgender rights.”

                On the surface, the issue of transgender rights seems to operate like other questions of civil and human rights. Even so self-righteous an opponent of transgender rights as J.K. Rowling acknowledges that transgender people (that is, people who were deemed “male” at birth but feel most natural living as “female,” and vice-versa) face tragic abuse and discrimination living in a society that makes few if any concessions to their organic identity.

                But the problem of how to protect transgender rights and defend transgender citizens poses challenges that were not faced by past campaigns to defend civil and human rights. The question of interracial marriage, for example, was easier for activists in the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960’s to address, because the question itself only seemed “loaded” from the perspective of the bigot:


Bigot: “You’re telling me blacks and whites are equals? Don’t you see that will mean that blacks and whites will be able to marry each other?”


Activist: “Yes.”


                A simple “yes” here is of course both a statement of principle and an effective political tactic. Affirming the natural right of people to marry regardless of race is morally righteous. At the same time, refusing to pander to the sensibilities of the questioner helps to undermine the bigoted assumptions foundational to racism, and normalize perceptions of equality.

                An equivalent question faced by transgender rights activists helps illustrate the unique challenges posed by the politics of this issue:

Bigot: “You’re telling me that a person born as a man can live as a woman? Don’t you understand that this will mean that men will compete against women in sports?”


Activist (in effect): “You are a bigot.”


                A simple “yes” or “no” here is ineffective, as neither would undermine the assumptions at the foundation of bigotry, but to the contrary would reinforce them. The terms of the question itself attack the principle of transgender rights. Someone who refuses to recognize the difference between sex and gender, and to take care to speak in those terms, is not discussing the issue in good faith. Thus the only choice that an activist has in the face of this kind of question is to challenge the legitimacy of the question itself, and by extension the ethical status of the questioner.

                This is not to suggest that the reforms necessary to protect transgender rights do not pose legitimate policy questions for the conduct of organized sports. But in this campaign as in other struggles to defend civil rights, it is natural for the vulnerable group and its allies to insist that the onus is on anyone who would engage such questions to do so critically and in a spirit of maximum respect. If the “entry toll” of a conversation is that I must concede my own identity, I cannot be expected to respect the terms of the discussion or treat its participants as good-faith partners in dialogue. 

                This highly fraught communication dynamic obviously has the potential to be intensely divisive. Is the person who asks a question like the one above necessarily a “bigot,” much less a “hateful one”? The answer to that conundrum is likely to depend on whom you ask. A transgender person who has been physically assaulted by angry bigots might feel comfortable labeling the questioner “hateful.” Someone less personally close to the heart of the issue might instead call them an “insensitive bigot.” Whether the person is a bigot or not, and if so what kind, are largely academic questions. The qualifier used does not depend on some essential definition, but flows from the conscientious choices of the person using it, and what they believe will best serve the cause of transgender rights.

                Much, though not all, of the myth of the “delusional militancy” of the Democratic party is rooted in these discursive dynamics of the struggle for transgender rights. Gender is much more deeply woven into the basic mechanics of our language than race or class. We do not in English, for example, have different pronouns for referring to individuals according to their race. Discussing questions raised by the issue of transgender rights in a way that respects the humanity and dignity of transgender citizens thus calls upon us to rethink words and categories that we had previously taken for granted, and to use language in ways that may seem unfamiliar. Such demands cause resentment, and the Trump campaign successfully exploited those resentments to delegitimize Kamala Harris in the eyes of many voters.

                This created a dilemma for the Harris campaign that it failed to unriddle, thus contributing to the myth of “delusional militancy.” As the New York Times has reported, the Harris campaign had polling data showing that the ad blitz being conducted by the Trump campaign was very effective. The ad was costing Harris support in key states, which in such a closely contested race might have changed the outcome of the election. The campaign held internal deliberations over how to respond to the ad, and ultimately decided that no direct response was possible.

                Why was this? Responding to the ad effectively would not have been easy. The Harris campaign would have had to engineer a very high stakes event, a special speech dedicated to the issue of transgender rights, akin to Barack Obama’s 2008 speech on race relations in response to the Jeremiah Wright controversy. In that speech Harris would have had the opportunity to explain the principles behind transgender rights, highlighting stories about the experience of transgender people, the types of abuse they are forced to endure, and the reasons why so many Democrats feel so passionately about this issue. To substantiate such assertions, she would have had to tackle some of the most difficult questions that surround the issue of transgender rights, such as those regarding pediatric medicine, organized sports, and the housing and care of transgender prisoners.

                Such a speech would have entailed profound risks. Anything Harris said would be vulnerable to distortion and demagoguery. The Trump campaign would most likely have taken soundbites from such a speech and made another “She is for they/them” advertisement. At the same time, a truly effective speech would almost certainly have drawn angry denunciation from activists and progressive Democrats. In the struggle to protect a vulnerable and abused minority, there are always voices who take a very uncompromising and maximalist stance against any suggestion of complexity or doubt (in large part out of the conviction that this is the only tactic which can stand against the demagoguery of bigots).

                Despite these dangers, there is good reason to believe that such a speech would have boosted Harris’s electoral performance. Politicians are normally very averse to controversy, but Donald Trump has changed the rules of the game, if only temporarily. As long as the media was talking about him, even negatively, he was winning, since any attention helped foster the false impression that he was important, effective, and “normal.” Anything Harris could have done to turn the national conversation toward actual issues and away from stupid stunts (“He’s in a MacDonald’s! He’s in a garbage truck!”) would have aided her at the polls.

                Beyond this, a candid speech would have made voters feel that they “knew” Kamala Harris in a more full-blooded and personal way. Trump gives the impression of persistent authenticity, he does nothing to hide his cretinous personality from public scrutiny. Harris was obviously advised that she could not afford to have too distinctive a personality in public. As a woman of color, so this perspective held, being candidly revealing about herself and her personal priorities would make her look too “angry” or “emotional.” She was thus advised to speak as often as possible in slogans and catch phrases (“turn the page,” “we’re not going back,” “he has an enemy’s list, I have a to-do list”). The result was that voters felt Trump was being “real” and Harris was hiding herself. A nuanced and candid speech on transgender rights would have provided an opportunity to fight that impression.

                Finally, a high-stakes speech on transgender rights was the only chance that Harris had to fight the knee-jerk hostility to her campaign that had been aroused by Trump’s manipulative advertisements. The ads had made her a caricature. A speech would have “humanized” her, and that would have made her more appealing to voters in many dimensions beyond the specific horizon of transgender rights.

Would it have worked? We will never know. In the final analysis, voters’ anger over inflation and the policies of the Covid lockdown had much more to do with the outcome of the election than virtually any other factor in this election year. Incumbent parties around the world, whether on the political left or right, have been losing elections by much wider margins that Harris, whose defeats was among the slenderest margins of defeat in US history. But on the specific issue of transgender rights we can be certain that she had no other choice other than to do nothing, which is what she opted for, and that resulted in defeat.

                Why did the Harris campaign choose inaction? There are many reasons, but none of them have to do with the “delusional militancy” of the party as a whole. As EzraKlein noted in a recent podcast, in the last ten or fifteen years a culture of groupthink has settled over the leaders and elected officials of the Democratic Party in its relationship with activist groups. Anything that is likely to ignite angry rhetoric from progressive civic groups on a whole array of issues is strictly avoided, without thought for how many votes such groups can actually swing in the context of a general election. Since activist groups tend to be more uncompromising and maximalist in their approach to issues, their disproportionate influence effectively curtails the party from developing messaging that would make broader headway in the electorate at large.

                This groupthink is not a product of congenital militancy on the part of Democrats, however, but is a function of many factors common to both sides of the political spectrum. These include the amplifying effect of social media, the churn of 24-hour cable news, and heightened polarization in the aftermath of the Cold War.

Perhaps the single greatest factor distorting messaging on an issue like transgender rights is rising wealth inequality. Extreme pressure groups enjoy disproportionate influence because they are funded by wealthy donors. The smaller an audience that a message is crafted for, the more “purist” and uncompromising it will become. Democratic leaders are unwilling to offend extremist activist groups on the left for the same reason that Republicans fear offending extremist activist groups on the right: because they know that such groups have access to and wield great influence with the same small group of wealthy donors who increasingly control ever larger shares of wealth in the US, and whose financial support is critical to ballot box success. When a small group of donors whose wealth and lifestyle inclines them to believe that they know better than anyone else is calling the shots, political messaging is pushed ever further toward the extremes on either end of the political spectrum. Thus the same forces that restrain Democratic leaders from engaging in a robust and nuanced discourse concerning transgender rights (or immigration) have made extreme positions such as “climate denialism” and “personhood amendments” orthodoxy in the GOP.

                 The Democrats obviously should have responded to Republicans’ attack on transgender rights in robust and complex terms. Though the effectiveness of the Trump campaign ad depended upon the failure of millions of voters to see how grotesquely and manipulatively bigoted its message was, in a contest with such high existential stakes the onus was on the Democrats to meet the voters “where they were.” But that judgment is much more easily made in hindsight than was possible during the heat of the electoral campaign. The tone of the Trump campaign was so toxic and the threat that Trump himself posed to our democratic order was so clear (and has become clearer as Trump announces cabinet picks clearly designed to weaponize the working policy organs of the Executive for purely political ends), that it was easy to believe voters should see the need to defer the questions surrounding the issue of transgender rights for a time when our constitutional structure had been made secure from assault. Now that we are facing the potential dismantling of the Republic, the chance for reasoned debate on transgender rights or any other issue may be lost indefinitely.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

This Is Us

 History is not a predictive science, so as a historian I can’t claim to have a crystal ball. But everything that I have learned from a lifetime of studying history tells me that we have just voted our democracy out of existence. Events will reveal the truth. I have never wanted to be proven wrong more in my life.

It is difficult to know what will be constructive to say in the face of this. To all of my friends, family, colleagues and students, whomever you voted for, I am thinking of you with love ❤️. Do not despair. Where there is life there is hope.

We face trying times ahead. We have given enormous power to a man who has proven that he has absolutely no scruples and is capable of recklessly gratuitous and intensely malicious, even horrific cruelty. There is no doubt that he will use his power destructively. The only real question is how much cruelty and destruction his supporters will tolerate (or demand).

How should we who oppose Trump respond? Firstly, we must respond PEACEFULLY. Violence is never the answer. Anger is understandable, even perhaps appropriate, but we must be nonviolent in expressing our outrage. 

Secondly, we must remain engaged. The rule of law will be under assault. We have to actively use the freedom we have to keep the freedom to  which we have a right. We have to stand by and protect one another, taking special care to defend those who are most vulnerable.

To my compatriots who voted for Trump, I wish I could congratulate you. I believe you have made a terrible mistake, and that we will all pay for it. I hope I am wrong, but the onus is on you to prove me so. I am committed to remaining peaceful and nonviolent. Are you? I will absolutely respect the rights and dignity of everyone who lives in this country. Will you? I dearly hope so, but like the old saw goes, “seeing is believing.”

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Stop the Steal! The Interview


CJ (Competent Journalist):
Mr. Trump, you constantly claim that the 2020 election was stolen. That is a very serious accusation.

Trump: It is. It really is, CJ.

CJ: No President who took his oath of office seriously could make such an accusation without offering concrete, irrefutable proof at the very moment that he declares it to the American people. To do otherwise would only sow doubt and confusion pointlessly. That would be beyond would be malicious. Even treasonous, wouldn't you agree?

Trump:  Look, we have proof, CJ. We have lots of proof. They didn't give us standing! Ivanka and Marco Rubio have been really great on this....

CJ: So where is this proof? Can you show me some of it right now? 

Trump: Right now? I don't have it in my wallet, CJ.....

CJ: Where can an American citizen go to see this proof in the next five or ten minutes? Surely there must be some website where you and your advisors have gathered examples of this proof for the general public to see. That would only make sense....

Trump: Yes...well...we have a concept of a plan for such a website...

CJ: So where? Where can we see the proof? The "steal" happened four years ago, and you have been clamoring about it ever since. Isn't it vitally important that the proof be generally known?

Trump: Well...yes but...

CJ:  Wouldn't any leader move heaven and earth to get this proof in front of American voters?

Trump: Yes...that's true....

CJ: But you haven't done that.

Trump: yet....

CJ: So why should we make you president again?

Trump:  Listen CJ....Ivanka....the late great Hannibal Lecter....they're eating the dogs and cats, CJ!

Saturday, August 03, 2024

How Kamala Harris Can Beat MAGA

Like many I am excited to see the energy surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris. I have every confidence that she can defeat Donald Trump, and when she does so (knock on wood) she will have saved the American experiment from self-destruction. She has a strong record on which to run, she is a capable and conscientious public servant, and she will make an excellent President of the United States. 

But I worry that exuberance can turn so easily to disappointment, then despair. We are in for a long, hard campaign. The polls are going to move slowly, if they move at all. Defeating Trump is possible, but it will not be much easier for Kamala Harris than it would have been for Joe Biden. Her youth, her energy, her experience, her intellect, and her passion are all wonderful, but they will not be enough. 

What has frustrated me most in the last eight years is the seeming inability of the punditocracy and the political class more generally to recognize the ways in which Trumpism is unique. If Trump is not violating the law (which he does so frequently) he is violating the norms of our political system and the values on which it is founded. The movement he leads is dedicated to the destruction of our democracy. Yet the "serious minds" in print journalism and on cable news seem determined to treat Democratic presidential campaigns (whether that of Clinton and Biden in the past or Harris now) as if they were running against Bob Dole or Mitt Romney rather than Donald Trump. It makes me angry enough to spit. 

Exhibit A: the recent spate of head-shaking and chin stroking concerning the "difficulty" that Kamala Harris will have reconciling the difference between the positions she has adopted as a member of the Biden administration and the positions she advocated in the 2020 presidential campaign, when she ran "to the left" of Biden. Are these people serious? Harris is running against a man who on any given day would find it impossible to reconcile what he said at 5:00 PM with what he said at 4:45. If the Republicans can nominate a toxic warthog from the fever dream of a cartoon character, the Democratic candidate does not come under the onus that would normally fall on any conscientious seeker of higher office. Harris can look any camera or interviewer in the eye and say with firm conviction, "If the voters are looking for anything approaching consistency, I am the only choice in this election." No further comment needed.

The same obtuseness can be seen in the "sober and pious" commentary concerning Harris's choice of a running mate. She needs balance! She can't pick anyone controversial! Such sentiments might make sense if she was facing a traditional Republican opponent who was running from the center-right. But in the last three election cycles the Republicans have been running from Cancerous Cloud-Cuckooland. Harris is free to choose whomever she wants. The idea that she must pander to MAGA sensibilities by steering clear of another woman, an LGBTQ politician, or a person of color is ridiculous. 

Take, for example, Gretchen Whitmer, who alas seems to have dropped off of the VP short list. If she and Harris were both straight white men and this were 1992, a Harris/Whitmer ticket would be praised by pundits near and far as "balanced." A midwestern governor with 25 years of experience in two branches of government with a former prosecutor, senator, and vice president from California? Balanced! Powerhouse! Treating a Harris/Whitmer ticket as "narrow" or "unbalanced" because it has two woman on it is to capitulate to toxic MAGA thinking, and that is the last thing we need right now.

To win, Kamala Harris will have to KISS- Keep it Simple, Superstar. Long lists of policy accomplishments and explanations of the "inconsistencies" in her record are simply not necessary. Accomplishments and policy aspirations can be mentioned, but two narratives will carry Harris to victory:

1)She is the only candidate in the race who believes in democracy. This narrative has the simple merit of being the gospel truth, and is easy to demonstrate in lots of different ways. Trump's lethal hostility to democracy is a gift that can be made to keep on giving. Any time Trump or one of his surrogates asks about Harris's supposed "flip flops" Harris may demand that Trump concede the 2020 election...or provide proof that the last election was rigged...or explain why we cannot see his tax returns...or ask what he meant when he asked Brad Ratzenberger to "find 11,000 votes"...or why he has promised to pardon criminals who helped gouge out the eye of a police officer...or why he told the world that he trusts Vladimir Putin more than he trusts the FBI...etc. etc. ad infinitum. Trump is so clearly unfit for office that the burden of proof is continuously on him to explain why he has not quit the race and let a real Republican campaign for the presidency. Harris's fitness for the office is self-evident, anyone who doubts it can review her record and see for themselves.

It would not hurt, in this regard, to run this campaign as if this election were different from other elections, because it is. The choice of an "unconventional" running mate is one such tactic. The other would be to deploy unconventional allies. Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger have very courageously come out and spoken the truth about Donald Trump and the threat he poses to our democracy. The stakes in this election are too high to leave such assets on the table, if they can be utilized. Nothing would demonstrate to voters better that our democracy is under threat than some joint campaign appearances between the Democratic nominee and some staunch Republican partisans who are willing to stand up and be counted. 

Such moments would be difficult to engineer. It would require that Democrats defuse their reflexive penchant for virtue signalling about the moral failings of the right and that Republicans lay down their common talking points about the "left agenda," and that both parties, for the space of a rally or two, confine themselves to the one message that matters in this election: all people of good faith who believe in our constitution must rally to defeat Donald Trump at the polls. A single picture of Kamala Harris, AOC, and Liz Cheney all standing on a stage holding one-another's hands in the air would be worth about a million words about policy.

The last thing to note about framing Kamala Harris as the only candidate in this race who will preserve democracy is that this would be the best context in which to discuss reproductive freedom. The Republicans' war on women is so heinous precisely because it is so anti-democratic. It has nothing to do with the ethics of abortion anymore, and is all about using the power of the government to control women- to deprive them of the choice of career, of access to healthcare, and of freedom of movement more generally. Using government power to control women puts Trump halfway along the goal to using government power to control everyone.

2)She is the only candidate in this race who cares about wealth inequality. This narrative can basically subsume any and all discussion of policy. Trumpism is about channeling people's anger, and what people are most angry about (whether they know it or not- and this campaign is an opportunity to make them aware of it) is the fact that the rich keep on grabbing more of the nation's wealth and leaving the rest of us squabbling over a pie that, from our perspective, paradoxically keeps shrinking even as the nation as a whole gets wealthier and wealthier. Trump is easy to expose as a phony populist. His tax cuts, his tariffs, his lack of interest in infrastructure spending unless it enriches him and his cronies, his spiteful  desire to do away with Obamacare- all mark him as the candidate of , by, and for the fatcat corporate oligarchs. Even inflation works for Harris in this regard: she can remind people that most of the inflation since 2020 has stemmed from corporate price-gouging. The best cure for inflation are policies that shift economic power to workers and consumers, like those of Biden and Harris, rather than the crony capitalism of Trump that only ever serves the rich.

Harris can win. It won't depend on her running mate, or her age, or her ability to "explain her record." It will require her to drive a simple message that reminds people of the stakes of this election and that treats Trump as the uniquely toxic threat to our democracy that he is. It will be a tough campaign, and it will probably be a close race going down to the wire. But Democrats should not be gloomy. We should be happy strugglers, sustained by the thought of what a Harris victory over Donald Trump would mean to young people in this country. How much more hopeful will the future look in an America where Kamala Harris had defeated Donald Trump? Let's keep that vision before our eyes, and let it carry us across the finish line.




Saturday, July 20, 2024

An Open Letter to President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.


Dear President Biden,


                Like many Americans I have watched the disarray in the Democratic Party and in your campaign with dismay. You know that the stakes in this election are enormously high. If Donald Trump is elected in November, democracy in America will end, and our nation will careen toward catastrophe. I do not understand why the millions of Americans who plan to vote for Donald Trump do not understand this, but facts past and present make it clear.

                In that light, I would expect you to show more urgency than you have. You have been negligent in your duty to the voters, and that negligence continues. If the performance that you gave in the debate was the best that you possibly could have given, you should not have gotten on stage at all. It would have been better for you to plead illness, and let Donald Trump crow about how you were too old or sick to face him, than to present the image of fear and frailty we all saw on our television sets on June 27th.

The debate was an enormous opportunity. If you had appeared relaxed and jovial, it would not have mattered what you said. If the transcript of the debate were unchanged, but your demeanor had remained cheerful and your voice confident throughout, you would have been perceived as the winner, and Donald Trump’s campaign would be in freefall now. Instead, you handed him free corroboration of all the preposterous lies he has been telling about your health and fitness, so that now every time you misspeak the media seizes upon it as “proof” of your incapacitation. That is a trap of your own making, and it will not be easy to escape. Shame on you!

As disappointing as your debate performance was, your conduct since has arguably been just as bad, or worse. You have not in any way given the appearance of a man who knows how much trouble he has put the country in. An interview with George Stephanopoulos? A press conference? Those efforts at damage control were feeble. If you want to undo the harm of the debate, you must create an event that will draw as much viewership and media attention as it did, which will be almost impossible. Perhaps an open town hall in which you fielded questions from voters would create the right atmosphere of spectacle, but even that might prove inadequate.

The way that you have been communicating with the public makes you seem obtuse. Telling people that you will not withdraw from the race because “you have to finish the job you started” is simply not acceptable. This is not about you. This is about the country. The only reason anyone would want you to stay in the race is if they think it presents the best possibility of defeating Donald Trump. If you can make that case to the people (“anyone who might replace me would not be able to raise money fast enough,” “a fight over my replacement would split the Party”), fine. If not, you should withdraw.

In all honesty, from where I sit it seems too late for you to redeem your campaign. So many leading Democrats are showing such overt signs of demoralization. It appears that you have lost the confidence of your Party, and you cannot get it back.

While the case for your withdrawal grows ever stronger, it must be admitted that your withdrawal from the race will inevitably cause as many problems as it solves. If you do withdraw, you must do so quickly, and in a way that preserves the unity of the Party and lays the groundwork for victory in November. The most important principle to underscore is that you are not withdrawing because of Donald Trump. You were, you are, and you will ALWAYS be a better choice than Donald Trump. As a matter of plain fact, the people of the United States would be better served by leaving the office of the presidency vacant for four years than by electing Donald Trump, and it behooves you to say as much to the American people whether you withdraw from the race or not.

But if you do withdraw, it is vital that you stress the fundamental merit of your administration. Your health might prevent you from campaigning effectively, but the record of your accomplishments is clear. Vice President Kamala Harris is thus the only legitimate candidate who can replace you on the ballot. To pass her over in favor of anyone else would be to lend credence to the lies that Donald Trump persistently tells about your tenure in office. This should be your forceful message to the Democratic Party, in the event that you decide to withdraw.

Please think carefully about this, Mr. President. If you are going to stay in the race, start acting and talking as if you understand the emergency you have created. If you are going to leave the race, do so soon, and in a way that unifies and energizes the Democratic Party for the struggle to save our democracy.

Thank you for your attention to this letter. I hope that it finds you well.




Andrew Meyer


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Once Upon a Time, in an Alternate (and Sane) Universe

Jake Tapper:  Ladies and gentleman, good evening and welcome to the first presidential debate of the 2024 election. President Biden, first question to you. Inflation has slowed, but prices remain high. What would you say to voters who feel they are worse off under your presidency?

Joe Biden: That’s a good question, Jake, but before I answer it there is business to clear up.

(Turns to Trump)

Donald, will you finally tell the truth and admit that you lost the 2024 election fair and square?

Trump:  What? Huh? That’s against the rules! He’s not allowed to ask me any direct questions!

Joe Biden: Rules? You are gonna give a lecture about rules? What a bunch of malarkey! Answer the question, Donald! It is long past time that you told the truth!

Trump:  You know that election was rigged!

Joe Biden: Don’t tell me what I know, asshole. I know that you are a disgrace to the office you once held.

(Turns to Tapper)

Jake, there is no point debating a man whose whole candidacy is premised on a lie. I’ll be back at the White House if anybody needs me.

(Walks off stage)

Tapper: Wait! Uh….ladies and gentlemen….uh…..


Tapper:  Ladies and gentlemen, the polls have only just closed in California, but our projection desk is ready to call this a landslide for the Biden-Harris campaign. It was close until June, but after Biden simply spanked Trump in June’s debate, the country seemed to wake up from its walking coma and realize that Trump is just a worthless sack of…..