Saturday, November 07, 2020

An Open Letter to My Fellow Americans

Dear Friends, Neighbors, and Compatriots,


       Congratulations! You have brought our Republic back from the brink of self-destruction. The re-election of Donald J. Trump after four years of blatant and corrosive malfeasance would have put an end to the American experiment in democracy. His removal from the office that he has so egregiously abused will preserve our institutions from inevitable disintegration. 

       To all of those who voted for, donated to, or volunteered on behalf of the campaign of Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris I say: thank you! Your efforts embody the best tradition of our national political life. Now that the result of the presidential election in both the popular vote and the electoral college has been revealed, we may all indulge in well-earned celebration! This election is over. The result is clear. 

       Given the depraved character of Donald J. Trump (I say this without malice or prejudice, but as a clear expression of fact), there is likely to be attempts to reverse the results of the election, using the arcane mechanisms of the Electoral College. We should resolutely defy any and all such machinations, but we should not fear them. Any attempt to undermine the manifest will of the electorate will constitute an illegal and illegitimate coup d'etat. We need not entertain any debate or discussion on this score. It is our duty as citizens to reject and oppose any attempt to undercut the presidency of Joseph R. Biden by any and all means short of violence.

    But that, for the moment, is an abstract concern. Trump will rant and rave. Let him. We may yet be surprised at just how quickly his voice diminishes to irrelevance. In the meantime, we can express our collective relief and joy!

     I will not insult the intelligence of those of you who voted and campaigned for Donald Trump by offering you insincere condolences or regrets. I am happy you lost, and I have little sympathy for what you may be feeling right now.  The entire presidency of Donald Trump was an assault against me and millions of other Americans. For four years he has attacked our dignity, encouraged those who hate us to acts of vandalism and violence, and encroached upon our rights and powers as citizens. I cannot feign any sorrow that your attempts to abet a continuation of that assault have failed.

     But I can say this: I love this country very deeply, and I know that to truly love America is to accept that you are all as much a part of it as I am. I am committed to living in peace, if not in harmony, with you. I will not tolerate assaults on your dignity, incitement to hatred of you, or encroachments on your rights by Joe Biden or anyone else in government. That is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have promised, and I and the  vast majority of those who voted like me will do everything in our power to keep them to that promise. You may not believe that, and that is your prerogative. But that is why the outcome of this election has saved our Republic from collapse.

       Donald Trump is going to rant and rage against the outcome of this election. He is going to try to stoke fear in his supporters and incite them to acts of violence, by way of terrorizing us as a nation into setting aside the lawful outcome of the election. I plead with all of my fellow Americans to ignore him. We are a nation of laws, and the law demands a peaceful transition of power whether Donald Trump assents to it or not. 

       To those of you contemplating violence, I say: think again. Violence will not be met with violence, but with resolution and justice. Violence will sway no one. Violence is impotent and pathetic.

       Be happy! Rejoice! The page has turned. The die is cast. A new day is upon us. We may not yet be ready to begin building together, but we can at least stop tearing one-another apart, and that is reason to celebrate!


                    Andrew Meyer

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