Monday, January 11, 2021

An Open Letter Opposing White Supremacist Violence: Addressed to Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), and Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ04)


Dear Senator Menendez, Senator Booker and Representative Smith,

           I write to you as a constituent and a citizen, out of concern for the growing threat of white supremacist violence to our democracy. The attack staged against the Capitol on January 6 was not only a tragic disgrace, but demonstrated the woeful vulnerability of our nation's most sacred institutions. The threat posed to your safety and security, and to the business of government in general, was intolerable. Those whose negligence (or collusion) contributed to this debacle must be held accountable. 

        Now reports proliferate of more obscenities planned in coming days. The terrorists who staged the attack of January 6 have been emboldened, and show every indication that they mean to escalate the level of violence and destructiveness directed against our government and its elected officials. THIS MALICE CAN NOT STAND.

      Our President has proven himself faithless in the execution of his duty to protect the Republic. It falls to you, our elected representatives, to ensure that preparations are being made to protect our democracy from these gathering threats. Have provisions been made for the security of the Capitol, the White House, and other institutions? Is law enforcement and/or the military prepared to meet these criminals with the force necessary to repel them? 

     We your constituents are owed answers to these questions. Please contact me directly with your assurances that the urgency of the situation is being met. Moreover, please pass along the word to the Congressional leadership of both parties that a coordinated response to this terrorism must be prepared and announced to the public at large.

      I thank you for your service, and extend my best wishes for your health and safety during these troubled days.


                 Andrew Meyer

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